Adonis Designs > Building Information Modeling

Building Information Modeling

Paper based business practices, a lack of standardization, and inconsistent technology adoption among stakeholders can lead to loss of huge amount of money by the industries as a whole. This loss can be limited by the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM), a revolutionary tool being used by progressive firms in the AEC industry worldwide.

Collaboration in a BIM enabled integrated process is aimed at producing a better product, generally meaning of higher quality, in less time, consuming less resources and more sustainable than a project developed in a traditional process. The BIM process lets the entire project team share in the knowledge, risk and reward.


Create drawings that are clear, flawless and concise- no additional explanation needed.

  • Standardize Drawings
  • Reduce Confusion
  • Cut Project delivery time.

From anecdotal evidence it seems reasonable to achieve a reduction in project cost of from 5-8% due to elimination of change order, from 15-30% reduction in project duration and an overall reduction in project cost of up to 20% on projects that use 3D, collaborative design/build methods. These are compelling numbers and this is why global project teams are eager to have transition from 2D to 3D modeling (BIM).

The result of the design process is not just a creation of the design, a building information model (BIM) is a repository for digital, three-dimensional information and date generated by the design process and simulations- it’s the design, fabrication information, erection instructions and project management logistics in one database.

Building models embedded with enriched information about construction project are far beyond the capabilities of most design firms at present. These models are not just the electronic drafting tools that firms now think of as digital practice, nor are they three-dimensional rendering with separate construction documents. The move to an integrated parametric and object based system should lead to dramatic changes in AECO industry in terms of design and construction as well as, possibly compensation and risk allocation.

Why Adonis

We at Adonis expertly handle its BIM projects and delivers high quality models of the architectural designs. At Adonis, we effectively combine 3D geometry, spatial relationships, geographic information, material quantities and attributes of building components by the use of BIM.

Adonis seeks to offer accurate and efficient BIM services to its clients where 3D model-based technology is linked with a host of other data on the project. We ensure that our clients save time and money by gaining significant construction efficiencies throughout the life cycle a project.

At Adonis we aim to benefit our clients through better visualization, improved productivity, and increased coordination of construction documents by the use of BIM services. Our BIM services are available for architectural firms, engineering firms and construction firms. By the use of BIM modeling, Adonis creates sophisticated, intelligent models that communicate to all units of the project. Owing to the digital nature of BIM, a change made in one view is reflected throughout the entire drawing automatically.

A project is a result of the precise & efficient co-ordination among various units working or related within/to that project. These may include the design team, the construction team, building owner, operator. It becomes necessary to strike the right balance so that a balanced co-ordination is achieved between the teams. This is done through BIM which is used to prevent the loss and share and use information effectively among the member teams so that allowing each group to add to and reference back to all information they acquire during their period of contribution to the BIM model. Adonis helps you through your projects by utilizing BIM softwares such as ArchiCAD or REVIT.

Customize your needs and give us a chance, talk to our Client Servicing Team to outsource BIM services to Adonis.

Needing any BIM solution.... however complex, we are available for you